European Society for Dermatology & Psychiatry
Caring for the skin & the mind
01 About
The European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry has been established in 1993 in Vienna under Austrian Law. The society aims to:
- Provide a forum for European physicians and psychologists working in the field of psychodermatology, psychosomatic dermatology, and dermatopsychiatry,
- Foster exchange of information and ideas and, more generally, contacts among professionals in the field,
- Improve the quality of scientific research in the area, and to recruit new members providing important expertise.
The ultimate aim of the society is to foster improvement of patient care by putting into practice insights gained through research in psychodermatology.
An apolitical society
The ESDaP maintains an apolitical position, emphasizing pure scientific collaboration among our members and colleagues. Nevertheless the ESDaP stands in solidarity with its fellow psychodermatologists and all others affected by the ongoing conflicts and remains committed to supporting those in need in difficult times.​​
02 Congresses
The Society organizes an international congress every two years. In addition, ESDaP actively contributes to other international congresses, such as the annual EADV congress.
New ESDaP members and ESDaP members are entitled to a reduced registration fee to the biannual ESDaP Congress, provided they have regularly paid their yearly fee for the congress year and the previous year (new members: for the congress year).

03 Membership & Application
Welcome to the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry. We are here to inform, to connect, and to inspire, to enhance the field of psychodermatology.
Members of our society are actively involved through multiple means: think about online group connections, invites to our regular events, and you will receive the digital news letters.
Sign up for membership here.
Also, do you already know the psychodermatology diploma?
04 contact
Westtreuhand Ag Meinhardstrasse 5
A 6020 Innsbruck