Useful Documents and Latest Research

Bibliographic Suggestions

ESDap Position Papers

Self Inflicted Skin Lesions Treatment

Self Inflicted Skin Lesions Classification

Emiliano Panconesi Memorial

Psychodermatology in Clinical Practice | SpringerLink

Mental Health and Skin Disease report (2020) (


Clinical management in Psychodermatology
Harth, Gieler, Kusnir, Tausk: Clinical management in Psychodermatology


Practical Psychodermatology
Antony Bewley, Ruth E. Taylor, Jason S. Reichenberg and Michelle Magid Practical Psychodermatology - Wiley Blackwell


Dermatological Diseases and Cumulative Life Course Impairmen
Current Problems in Dermatology, Vol. 44 Dermatological Diseases and Cumulative Life Course Impairment Editors: Linder M.D. (Padua/Graz); Kimball A.B. (Boston, Mass.) VIII + 162 p., 18 fig., 4 in color, 13 tab., hard cover, 2013 ISBN 978-3-318-02403-6


Geriatric Psychodermatology
M. Jafferany, Katlein França: Geriatric Psychodermatology: Psychocutaneous Disorders in the Elderly


Pediatric Psychodermatology
Tareen, Greydanus, Jafferany, Patel, Merrick: Pediatric Psychodermatology